Feedspot Top 50 Microsoft Azure Blogs to Follow in 2020

My blog is listed as one of the top 50 blogs about Microsoft Azure to follow in 2020.

Feedspot Top 50 Microsoft Azure Blogs to Follow in 2020

I noticed the other day that Feedspot had updated their site with the top 50 Microsoft Azure blogs to follow in 2020, and much to my surprise I was part of that list! In 25th place, my blog was listed!

I started my blog back in 2014 and have invested a lot of time and energy into it over the years, it's changed quite a bit from being hosted on Blogger to being hosted on Azure using Grav. A huge thank you to everyone that has encouraged me, read a post, commented on a post or inspired a post.

Here's to all that 2020 offers and if you want to keep up to date with my new blog posts, subscribe to my RSS Feed.