Studying for the SC-900 Exam - Day 4
Sharing my journey while studying for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals SC-900 exam

Disclaimer: I have no insight into what the exam questions are or what the exam will be like. I am studying for this exam based on the public information available from Microsoft. I have no idea if my study plan will be enough to pass the exam, time will tell. Please use my study guide and reference material as guidance and build your own study plan to suit your needs.
Day 4 of studying for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam and sharing my journey. Today I have a bit more time than usual to study so let's see where I can get to and what exam objectives I can cover off!
Microsoft Compliance Solutions
I'm still focussing on the section of the exam that covers "Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Compliance Solutions". This section of the exam takes up 25-30% of the exam, so it's an important section to understand.
This section covers off a lot of Microsoft 365, which isn't something I'm familiar with of late. I used to do this kind of stuff but it's been a number of years since I've fully dug into it and implemented it in a production environment.
Again turning to Microsoft Learn I've focussed on Describe insider risk capabilities in Microsoft 365 and Describe information protection and governance capabilities of Microsoft 365.
I'm going to be honest here and didn't enjoy this at all. I guess it's just one of those areas where I know it's important but my brain doesn't like the theory. For thing kind of content I would probably be better sitting within a demo Microsoft 365 tenant and applying labels and policies and see what it looks like for the end users. Which is something I might yet build into my study plan.
There are areas in the exam that I feel confident I have enough knowledge about and some I'm sure I have no knowledge off so I am being conscious to cover off the areas I am weak at first and ensuring I am not wanting in those areas when I sit the exam.
I was pleased to read that the customer lockbox functionality I was aware of being in place within Azure is also available within Microsoft 365, because I didn't realise we had that within Microsoft 365!
So going through these modules and learning paths is hopefully helping me on the road to passing the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals (SC-900) exam and helping me learn about features and products I didn't realise existed!
Sharing my Journey
Making progress everyday is what this journey is about, making sure I learn something and don't just go into the exam and guess the answers and hope for a pass. 😁 Let me know if you are studying for the exam and what resources you are finding useful!