Studying for the SC-900 Exam - Day 2
Sharing my journey while studying for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals SC-900 exam

Disclaimer: I have no insight into what the exam questions are or what the exam will be like. I am studying for this exam based on the public information available from Microsoft. I have no idea if my study plan will be enough to pass the exam, time will tell. Please use my study guide and reference material as guidance and build your own study plan to suit your needs.
As I explained in my previous blog, I am looking to study for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam and share my journey. Today was my first day of studying, so let's see what I used and how I tackled studying!
Starting to study
As this is a new exam there is not a lot of reference material and because it's in beta not a lot of people will have sat the exam. And even those that have sat it won't know if they have passed or not yet so trying to understand how hard or how much experience you need for this exam is a bit of a guessing game.
On each Microsoft exam page they do list reference material to help you study for the exam objectives, whether that be hands on labs, training courses, course books or Microsoft Learn training. The SC-900 has a bunch of Microsoft Learn modules it suggests would make a good start to studying.
So that's where I am starting!
One of the skills measured in the exam is "Describe the concepts of security and compliance and identity" and this accounts of 5-10% of the exam. There is Microsoft Learn Learning Path that directly talks about those kind of things here.
This is where I have started, the learning path has two modules and took me just under an hour to complete. I am already familiar with a lot of the concepts and things that the learning path talks about, but it was good for a refresher and to make sure my definition of things are still correct. 😉
As I said at the start I have no idea what the questions will be like or if this Learning Path does into enough depth to ensure I am skilled enough to take and pass the exam. Please use your own discretion to understand if the material covers enough or not. If you aren't familiar with any please do further research.
I think some of the concepts in this Learning Path are important for people to be aware of regardless of whether you are studying for the exam or just embarking on a cloud journey with your organisation. Being aware of Microsoft's Privacy Principles or understanding the cloud's shared responsibility model are something everyone should be aware of.

Sharing my Journey
So that's the first study session under my belt, a bit short today due to other commitments but you've got to start somewhere, I'll be continuing to share my journey over the next few weeks. Let me know if you are studying for the exam and what resources you are finding useful!