Looking back at 2016

As we near the end of 2016 I feel it's only fitting to look back on the year and look forward to plans in 2017. Over the course of 2016 I wrote over 20 blog posts, participated in posting content on Microsoft Technet Gallery, complete KEMP and AWS Certifications, migrate from Blogger to Wordpress, move to a dedicated web hosting platform (AWS) and attract over 4,500 users to the blog.  As I reviewed the stats I found these eight posts were the most popular: Top 8 blog posts of 2016

  1. Avision AD230 Document Scanner
  2. Avision MiWand 2 Wi-Fi Scanner Review
  3. .NET Framework 4.6.1 and Exchange Compatibility Issue
  4. i-Stay Backpack Review
  5. Lenovo StorageDisk Firmware bug
  6. Retention Policy Powershell Commands
  7. Security Benchmarks for Workstations, Servers and Applications
  8. Free Layer-7 Load Balancer from KEMP

In August I also moved to a new job, which has seen me move from being a General IT Consultant to a dedicated Wintel Engineer for a multinational enterprise IT company.

It has been a steep learning curve for me but I am finally starting to find my feet and settle in.

Changing job was all about expanding my skills and challenging myself and this new role certainly does that.

Looking forward to 2017

Next year I hope to get a lot more blog content up, become more active within the Microsoft community, pass some more certifications and attend more conferences.

There are three certifications I am mainly focusing on but hopefully I can knock them off fairly early in the year and look to doing a lot more. Here's to a positive end to 2016 and a good 2017!