Studying for SC-900 - Day 5

Disclaimer: I have no insight into what the exam questions are or what the exam will be like. I am studying for this exam based on the public information available from Microsoft. I have no idea if my study plan will be enough to pass the exam, time will tell. Please use my study guide and reference material as guidance and build your own study plan to suit your needs.

So day five of studying for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam.  This is the last big push before sitting the exam.  I've covered off all the objectives, to at least some degree so I am hopefully of having a successful exam. 😁

There is one section I had left to study under the "Describe the Capabilities of Microsoft Compliance Solutions" which is the Describe resource governance capabilities in Azure.  This is covering things like resource locks, Azure Blueprints, Azure Policy and the Cloud Adoption Framework.  All areas I am familiar with as I've delivered customer engagements in the past surrounding them.  However I still spend time going through the relevant module within Microsoft Learn to make sure I wasn't missing anything obvious.

Microsoft Security Solutions

With that section covered off the last big section I wanted to go through which covers 30-35% of the overall exam, "Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Security Solutions".  Looking at the areas under this big topic there are a lot of things that I do know about but there is also a large portion of things I haven't touched in a long time around the Microsoft 365 platform.  

Thankfully there is a comprehensive Learning Path within Microsoft Learn that helps to cover off the areas.  

During the studying I was able to really understand SIEM, SOAR and XDR and define what each was.  And also look at the Microsoft 365 Defender platform and understand the name changes it under went in 2020 and also understand the differences between each of the products.

There was definitely a lot of take in for this section and it might actually be my weakest section of the whole exam given the Microsoft 365 content, but I'm making progress and learning as I go.

Sharing my journey

In theory I have covered off the study material for the exam, and am ready to sit the exam.  As I said at the start of this journey and the start of this blog, I have no idea of knowing what the questions will be, I don't have any insider information.  So there is a chance that I am under prepared for the exam, but I am still going to try.  

Without trying you never know. 👍

It might be a while before I report back on the result as the exam is still within Beta mode meaning I will sit it and not get my results back instantaneously.  But I will update you all on my progress.

Good luck if you are studying for this exam or any other exam and please do let m know how you are getting on. 😁