New Role - New Adventure

I joined Microsoft in January 2018 as a Cloud Solution Architect and today I am embarking on a new journey within Microsoft, as a Cloud Advocate within Rick Claus's team.

I'll be joining the great team of Rick, Anthony, Orin, Phoummala, Pierre, Sonia and Thomas. Our global team is focussed on empowering the "IT Pro" community.

Why the change?

Over the last two years since starting the Glasgow Azure User Group being involved in the community, either through blogging, speaking, attending user group events, or conferences has become a real passion for me. I love learning from the community and I also love sharing with the community, and the Cloud Advocate role allows me to combine that passion our engineering teams interact with our customers/audience in better ways and vice versa.

I'm super excited about this change and looking forward to getting involved with my team and getting to know the wider Methods & Practices team that Donovan Brown leads.

Reach Out

Please do reach out if I can help with anything or you have any questions, my Twitter DMs are open. Or if you see me at an event please do come and say hello, I am friendly!